What to Expect at Your Free Consultation
At MEDermis Laser Clinics we take the safety and support of our clients very seriously. If you’ve kept up with our blog for a while then you know we are committed to providing resources and information; that’s why we’ve detailed everything from what to expect during your tattoo removal procedure to tips for faster recovery. Today we’re going to shine a light on another aspect of the MEDermis experience—our FREE consultation!
When you walk through the doors of a MEDermis Laser Clinic, you never have to second-guess what you’ll get. Read on to learn more about the very first step of our tattoo removal process.
Our goal with the free consultation is to put your mind at ease while giving you all the facts. Before we dive into the details, here’s what you can expect to go through during the consultation: information gathering of your tattoo and removal goals, important details about the actual procedure (you can read about some experiences here), aftercare, and information about our experts and advanced technology. Ready for more info? Keep reading!
Our consultations typically look a little something like this: First, you’ll get in touch with us, possibly by phone, email, or our online contact form, whatever method you choose, we’ll get you set up with some paperwork. Our team will review and make sure everything is in order so that you can get started with your Removal Specialist. Every consultation is performed by the specialist that will actually perform your procedure so you can get all your questions answered immediately!
After the paperwork, your Removal Specialist will examine your tattoo. They’ll be taking notes and looking at specific characteristics, like:
- Size
- Color
- Location
- Age of tattoo
They’ll also be asking about your goals for the removal process. Are you looking to fade the tattoo a little, get rid of one specific part, or erase the whole thing? We’ll also want to know about any previous treatments you may have had before meeting with our team.
This seems simple enough so far, right? We think so! Your Removal Specialist will walk you through the entire process, what to expect, and even explain everything you need to know about our equipment. You already know that we’re the most experienced laser tattoo removal company in the state of Texas, but did you know that we also have state-of-the-art and advanced laser technology? While many other clinics use their lasers for aesthetic treatments and other services, MEDermis Laser Clinics only performs tattoo removals and have the most advanced laser technology specially designed for these procedures.
Our Certified Laser Specialists (CLS) are trained and certified, and MEDermis Laser Clinics are proud to have the most experience in the entire state of Texas specializing in this service!
Laser tattoo removal is a process that takes time and multiple treatments over time, this maximizes the possibility of ink removal while minimizing potential damage to the skin. Our experts will never rush any procedure and a minimum of 4-8 weeks is required between treatments; however, your particular CLS will determine the time frame for your needs after each treatment.
Every tattoo is just as unique as every person which is why you’ll want to meet with your CLS for a free consultation to get a realistic idea of how many treatments are needed. Once a number is identified your CLS can explain more about our guarantee. You can read more about that here or ask your laser expert about it during your confidential consultation!
When you come to MEDermis Laser Clinics, you’re not only getting expert care, but you’re also getting long-term support. Our team is available 24/7, and the same goes for after your treatment has begun or finished. Just because you’ve completed your removal procedures doesn’t mean you’re on your own should a question or concern arise.
Your Laser Removal Specialist will explain all of the potential side effects, common issues during aftercare, and walk you through how we can keep you comfortable and as pain-free as possible during this very safe treatment.
Even if it seems like you’re getting a lot of info during the initial consultation, don’t worry! Your specialist will send you home with aftercare instructions and contact information should you need follow-up.
The MEDermis Approach
Our Certified Laser Specialists have gone through years of training and have collaborated to develop a special numbing technique as well as processes that will make your procedure as quick, comfortable, and successful as possible.
Our team is here to answer any questions you may have! Get in touch with us today to schedule your FREE consultation! Don’t miss out on this opportunity for a one-on-one with a tattoo removal expert.
You can sign up now by filling out our online contact form, calling our Austin clinic at 512-637-5277 or the San Antonio clinic at 210-402-4030, or shoot us a quick message to info@medermislaserclinic.com and let us know which location works for you!