Understanding the Pricing of Different Tattoo Removal Methods
When considering a tattoo removal, the cost of the removal method is a top factor in the decision making process for many individuals seeking this type treatment. Read on to learn more information about the reasons for the pricing of different tattoo removal methods to help you make a better decision.
The most expensive method is surgical excision of the tattooed skin. The high cost is due to the fact that a licensed surgeon must perform the procedure, in a medical office or hospital and in many cases with a licensed anesthesiologist. All of these necessities are very expensive but fortunately there are more effective and less expensive procedures for tattoo removal.
Laser tattoo removal is very effective at removing tattoos especially those with darkly pigmented inks. The removal is generally done over several sessions, and priced by the square inch of skin treated. Again this is done by a licensed dermatologist in a medical office using high-tech equipment, so obviously there is an expense, but generally the expense is made up for by lack of scarring, effectiveness and safety.
Dermabrasion, also known as a non-chemical peel, is a process by which the tattooed skin is frozen and then abraded to remove the pigmented layers. It is costly, effectively removes ink but is also extremely painful, bleeds profusely and leaves scarring.
Chemical peels, made with TCA are less expensive than the above procedures and can be applied at home. However the results are only about 85% satisfactory so their effectiveness is less than perfect which is generally not acceptable to most individuals.
The least expensive removal method is tattoo removal cream. Unfortunately tattoo removal creams have not been scientifically proven to be consistently effective and some brands may contain the carcinogenic ingredient hydroquinone.